01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.7 Corporate citizenship We mean We measure Step 1 Longer-term impacts Short-term impacts/ outcome Outputs Inputs Contributes towards social license to operate positive reputation for Allianz Systematic changes to achieve SDG 8 # of activities # of beneficiaries reacted (young people; people with disabilities) # of activities held #of employee participants Activities that take place and beneficiaries supported CC activities making short- term impacts contributes to creating positive changes for society in the long-term Value-add to our beneficiaries/ effectiveness of CC- activities meeting program objective # of beneficiaries reporting impacts # of organisations reporting impacts # of employee reporting impacts # of recruitment # of business innovation Our total community investment (€) cash, in- kind, time through volunteering, FTE managing CC activities. What we invest in our communities including our CC activities Set objectives – how we intend to make change Impacts for Allianz Step 3 Step 4 Step 2 02.7.4 Measuring our social impact To drive our contribution towards creating systemic change across our target SDGs, we must understand and analyze our impact. Measuring and managing impact can be challenging as the long-term effects of interventions address multiple stakeholders and involve complexities. We use the Allianz Social Impact Measurement Framework to support local entities in setting their ambitions and measuring and reporting on the impact of corporate citizenship activities locally. We measure: • Input – what we contributed • Output – what happened • Impact – what has changed as shown in the following graphic. Impact measurement framework captures impact for beneficiaries & society and Allianz Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 89