01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.7 Corporate citizenship Allianz emergency relief In addition to our Corporate Citizenship Strategy focusing on next generations and People with disabilities, we support communities where we live and work, especially in times of need. We leverage our expertise, resources and assets to align with local priorities. Our projects aim to improve socio-economic conditions for the next generations in the local environment. Allianz responded to the Ukraine war by announcing that it will make € 12.5 million available for the humanitarian support. Key U.N. agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP), the Red Cross Society, International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, World Central Kitchen and SOS Children’s Villages benefited from donations. Donations were used to support people from disadvantaged backgrounds including disabilities, LGBTQ+ and people of color as well as women and children. We also set up an employee donation platform and, with the participation of tied agents from key markets, raised more than € 1 million. Allianz matched employee donations. Beyond Ukraine, 2022 saw devastating flooding impacting several geographies. Allianz provided immediate response disaster, such as in South Africa and Pakistan. Tackling local plastic challenges Protecting marine wildlife with Sea Shepherd We have joined forces with Sea Shepherd, an international marine conservation NGO that engages in direct action to conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction and recycles plastic cleaned up from oceans into products such as crates for transporting injured turtles. Our partnership secures two years of work for the crew of the Sea Eagle to tackle plastic pollution by removing abandoned fishing gear, which makes up to 50 percent of plastic waste in the sea. Supporting livelihoods and tackling plastic waste in India Allianz SE, Allianz Technology in India and Allianz Services India have partnered with Plastic Fischer, a German start-up focused on developing and deploying low-tech solutions to collect and remove plastic from rivers, tributaries and canals of Trivandrum, the capital of the state in Kerala, to stop it from entering the ocean. Plastic Fischer sorts the waste and makes sure that all recyclables are reintroduced into the supply-chain. 02.7.3 Employee volunteering and donations Allianz’s social impact programs and corporate volunteering activities are run by local operating entities and our twelve affiliated foundations. In 2022, our combined contributions totaled € 42.8 million (2021: € 28.2 mn); and 79 thousand hours (2021: 73 thousand hours) in corporate volunteering. We measure employee satisfaction with volunteering opportunities through the Allianz Engagement Survey question: ‘Our company offers enough opportunities for me to environmentally and socially support the community that we operate in’. In 2022, we achieved a score or 82 percent (2021: 78 % 1 ). World Cleanup Day World Cleanup Day is a global movement which unites 191 countries for a cleaner planet. Allianz entities around the world take part and we encourage employees, customers, agents and partners to join this global concerted effort for our planet. Around over 1,700 volunteers from across Allianz took part in 2022, representing almost 50 operating entities and collecting one ton of waste. Table CC-1 Corporate citizenship data € mn As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Corporate Giving Total (Cash contributions) € mn 42.8 28.2 43.5 2 Number of foundations # 12 12 12 Volunteering hours 3 hours 79,137 72,580 56,654 Employee satisfaction around volunteering (AES question) % 82.0 78.0 1 78.0 1 Data was restated from 76 % in the Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2021 to 78 % in Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022. 2 Basis of calculation changed in 2021 – data from 2019 and 2020 have been adjusted to the same basis. 3 Data collection process is dependent on OE data availability. Numbers are dependent on the reporting effort of each OE, which is different from year-to-year. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 88