01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 01.8.2 Group Center Global Sustainability Since 01 January 2021, responsibility for Allianz’s sustainability agenda has been led by the Global Sustainability function (Group Center). The function is headed by the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) who reports to the Chairperson of the Group Sustainability Board. The Global Sustainability function suppor ts the Group Sustainability Board in the execution of its responsibilities. This includes prep aration, coordination and application of the decisions by the Group Sustainability Board. The Group Center Global Sustainability supports Allianz’s Group Centers and Operating Entities to effectivel y integrate the Group’s sustainability strategy into their business processes and policy framework. The Global Sustainability function drives the integration of sustainability-related matters across the organization and business to ensure Allianz plays a shaping role in the so cieties and economies in which it operates. Group Centers take responsibility for sustainability within their functions with the purpose to embed Sustainability across Allianz’s organization and business. Group Sustainability and Group Centers w ork with an expansive network of sustainability and business experts located acr oss Allianz’s operating entities globally providing guidance and setting minimum standards to ensure they embed sustainability in their strategies and approaches. This network supports implementation of the group-wide sustainability approach, share best practice and scale positive impacts across the organization. Several Group Committees play an important role in Allianz’s decision-making processes to embed Sustainability. See section 01.8 for more information on Group Committees , where sustainability related decisions are taken. Information on climate change business and management- level governance can be found in section 05.4. 01.8 Our sustainability governance 24 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022