01.8 Our sustainability governance 01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles Sustainability-related targets linked to the remuneration of the Board of Management In 2022 and for 2023 the targets for the Board of Management have been further developed to reflect the Sustainability priorities. Our targets 2022 2023 More details Overarching Ensure strong sustainability position (top ranks in DJSI, MSCI, Sustainalytics). 1 Achieve strong sustainability position (top performance in DJSI, MSCI). Sections 05.1 ; 05.2 Define approach and KPIs for sustainable claims management in retail P&C. Ensure sustainable solutions in proprietary investments and products. Section 02.1.3 Develop strategy for sustainability in asset management, leading to strong competitive positioning in sustainable product offering and ensuring strong sustainability reputation. Section 02.3 Define positioning on Social in line with Allianz purpose focusing on Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8). Sections 01.4 ; 01.6 ; 02.7 Environmental Decarbonisation Operations: 18% reduction of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions per employee by 2022 (vs 2019) and 88% renewable electricity as share of total electricity consumption in 2022. Continue to decrease the GHG emissions from our own operations to achieve -50% by 2025 and net-zero by 2030. Section 02.6 Proprietary Investment: Establish a quantitative roadmap to reach minus 25% GHG emissions 2 (absolute reduction on public equity and listed corporate debt by year-end 2024 vs 2019). Follow through on net-zero ambition, in particular in line with our Net-Zero Alliances commitments. Sections 02.1 ; 02.2 ; 03.3 Social Customer Lo yalty Digital Net Promoter Score (dNPS). Digital Net Promoter Score (dNPS) development against previous year and overall ambition level. Section 02.5 Employee Engagement Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) and Work Well Index+ (WWI+). Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) and Work Well Index+ (WWI +) development against previous year and overall ambition level. Section 02.4 Governance Leadership Contribution with particular focus on Allianz People Attributes (Customer & Market Excellence, Collaborative Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Trust). Leadership Contribution with particular focus on Allianz People Attributes (Customer & Market Excellence, Collaborative Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Trust). Section 02.4 1 Following a review, the Sustainalytics rating is out of scope of BoM target after 2022. 2 Scope 1 & 2 of investee companies according to GHG Protocol. GHG Protocol categorizes GHG emissions into three broad scopes: Scope 1: All Direct GHG emissions, which are emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the reporting entity, Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions, which are emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam, Scope 3: Other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity related activities (e.g. T&D losses) not covered in Scope 2, outsourced activities, waste disposal, etc. Reference for calculation to be found in Allianz Explanatory Notes . Emission-related data is provided by MSCI. 23 Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022