01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 05.5 Our commitment to human rights Respect for human rights is a minimum standard for responsible business within and beyond our direct operations. This is an expectation that is reflected by expanding legislation and applied across our global operations. We aim to identify, prevent, mitigate or remediate adverse human rights impacts linked to our business activities and operations including our supply chain. This is in line with the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) which provide a framework for responsible business operations and activities. We are committed to respecting various human rights standards and Allianz SE has been a participant in the U.N. Global Compact (UNGC) since 2002. We annually communicate our progress against these principles. Read our UNGC Communication on Progress. We are committed to international human rights standards to the workforce of our suppliers and those impacted by our supply chain. We also apply the Univ ersal Declaration of Human Rights as an employer throughout our worldwide operations. We have integrated the 10 principles of the UNGC into our globall y binding Allianz Group Code of Conduct and we respect the Or ganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Allianz endorses the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, including the ILO declaration on the freedom of association and the right to collective bar gaining. In countries where local law prohibits formalized unions and works councils, we respect local law but do not obstruct par allel means of association and bargaining, and we strive to act in the spirit of the UNGC principles. Our commitment to foster workplace and gender equality goes to the core of our commitment as an employer. Allianz is a supporter of the U .N. Women’s Empowerment Principles and the B Team’s Principles for Equality which aim to ensure equitable, safe, and dignified workplaces that respect human rights and allow people to thrive. We are committed to continue our work on the recommendations from the Human Rights Impact Assessment and to ensure we comply with all action points in line with the German Supply Chain Due Diligenc e Act and evolving European law focused on human rights. 05.5.1 How we manage human rights risks To manage our human rights risks, we look across each of our roles as an insurer and investor, as an employer, as a company including our supply chain and as a corporate citizen. For each of these roles, we embed specific processes to manage human rights risks and act on opportunities to drive positive change. We also continuousl y engage with the B Team, UNGC, human rights-focused NGOs, and business across industries to exchange and better understand human rights topics. We published our human rights appr oach embedded in the Allianz Group ESG Integration Framework in 2021. It highlights our human rights gov ernance, most critical human rights risks, processes and measures in place to protect human rights, among others. We continue to apply ESG and Human Rights Guidelines for sensitive countries across all business lines and core processes dealing with insuranc e, investment and procurement decisions. Our first Human Rights Impact Assessment was carried out in 2021 based on UNGP’s methodology to identify gaps in our approach. In 2022, we continued to w ork on improvement points based on the findings of this assessment. Some of these improvement points include up dating the DE&I policy and guidelines which contains detailed actions to drive gender balance and meet 2024 gender targets, as well as implementing an improved vendor code of conduct that covers human rights- relevant requirements. Read Summary Report – Human Rights Impact Assessment. Read the Allianz Group ESG Integration Framework. Respecting human rights in our operations The Allianz Code of Conduct reflects our values and principles and gives our employees guidance in their actions and decisions, including actions to uphold human rights such as treating people fairly and with respect. For more details on employee rights, gender equality and diversity initiatives, see section 02.4. Read the Allianz Group Code of Conduct. In 2022, we updated our Vendor Code of Conduct to ensure suppliers meet our human rights standards and regulatory expectations in line with the Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 > 154