German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz). Specific areas of focus include discrimination in the workplace, child labor and providing a safe working environment. 01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 05.5 Our commitment to human rights Read the Vendor Code of Conduct. We also created a Sustainability Charter to help our suppliers understand our suppl y chain strategy when it comes to sustainability and the expectations of being a partner of Allianz, now and in the future. Read the Allianz Group Sustainability Charter. 42 ESG referrals were assessed under the human rights guideline in 2022  (2021: 46) Human rights due diligence in our operations is a key part of our ESG referral and assessment process ( see section 05.5.1 ). For procurement activities, a negativ e answer to human rights- related screening questions in the vendor integrity screening triggers sustainability assessment at Group level. These are published in the annex of the Allianz Group Vendor Code of Conduct. Our Global Sourcing and Procurement function assesses curr ent and potential suppliers to ensure they abide by the ESG guidelines outlined in the Allianz Vendor Code of Conduct (VCoC), which is aligned with ILO standards, UNGP and UNGC. For more details on procurement topics, see section 02.6. Allianz is also committed to compliance with the Mo dern Slavery Act in the U.K., both from the perspective of our U.K. business and the interactions of our wider Group. No issues were raised regarding human rights issues in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act in 2022. Read the Allianz Group 2022 Statement on Modern Slavery. A grievance mechanism is a key aspect of human rights due diligenc e in a company and it ensures alignment with UNGP guidelines. A grievance mechanism is a complaint channel through which external stakeholders can raise any potential human rights concerns. No cases of human rights violations were identified in Allianz’s grievance mechanism process in FY 2022. Access our grievance mechanism. 05.5.2 Integrating human rights into our core business As a corporate insurer and investor, our human rights due diligence process forms part of our overall sustainability approach which is integrated into our broader risk management system. We use a combination of sector and c ountry-specific approaches to identify human rights risks. Human rights-related due diligence has b een integrated into all 13 sensitive business areas where relevant, to ensure that human rights are part of the overall risk assessment for insurance and investments in non-listed asset classes. We maintain a mandatory referral list f or sensitive countries where systematic human rights violations occur. For business transactions located in these countries, we carry out explicit due diligence in accordance with our Human Rights Guideline that covers various human rights violations. Additional details on these human rights assessments can be found in section 02.1, table ESG-3. In 2022, we carried out a review of the uman ights uideline and sensitiv e countries approach across all business lines and core processes dealing with insurance, in vestment and procurement decisions. We engaged with NGOs and consulting c ompanies specialized in human rights to understand external stakeholder expectations and perspectives. The work is still on-going and our updated approach to human rights is expected to be finalized in 2023. In terms of our investments, if we identify an issuer in our listed in vestment portfolio that is flagged for human rights issues by our external sustainability data provider, we prioritize this issuer in our engagement process. See section 02.2. Data privacy Allianz is committed to the highest standards of data protection and privacy compliance by handling personal data responsibly, transparently, with due care, and in a fair and lawful manner. To ensure we continue to uphold the privacy rights of our customers, employees, and other stakeholders, we have further enhanced the Privacy Monitoring and Assurance Program (PMAP) and continued to embed privacy within the business through our network of the privacy champions. See section 04.1.2 on data privacy. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 > > > 155

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