01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change r elated disclosure 04 Strengthening our f oundation 05 Our universal principles 02.4 Human resources Fair and transparent reward Our ambition on equity and fairness includes ensuring equal pay for equal work in the same or comparable roles for all genders. Equal Pay is embedded in our HR processes. We have an annual global Equal Pay review to monitor equal pay across the organization and prevent any Equal Pay gaps. Allianz won first place with ’Equal Pay’ in the c ategory HR Tech & Digital of the renowned Deutscher Personalwirtschaftspreis as well as the HR Excellence Award in the category Analytics & Technology. The juries recognized the achievement of closing the Equal Pay gap in Allianz’s insurance business globally with an innovative data based approach. - Since year-end 2021, the Allianz insurance business segment and se veral global lines (Allianz Partners, Allianz Trade, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, Allianz Technology, and Allianz Services) are EDGE Assess certified. EDGE is the leading standard for DE&I and monitors c ompanies’ progress on gender equality according to established standards, including equal pay. The certification covers 76 percent of Allianz Group’s global headcount (68 individual entities) and is valid until year-end 2023. With EDGE, we are committed to an ongoing c ertification process that will help Allianz consistently fulfil its gender equality goals going forward. As part of our commitment to promote transparent and comparable reporting, we have adopted the World Economic Forum (WEF) Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics on pay equality (see tables HR-17 and HR-18) and wage level (see tables HR-19 and HR-20). We plan to widen the scope to include fur ther companies next year. External commitments and recognition Complementing our commitment to the U.N. Women’s Empowerment Principles and the U.N. LGBT Code of Conduct, Allianz is one of the 15 Iconic Leaders of The Valuable 500 – a global movement working to put disability on the agenda of business leadership. Our track record for top rankings in imp ortant DE&I indices continues with recent achievements including: • #1 in the German Diversity Index, improving from last year’s strong 2nd place; • #1 in Insurance in the Refinitiv Global D&I Index 2022 (2021: #1 in Insurance); • Listed in the Bloomberg Gender- Equality Index for the seventh consecutive year. For further information about external recognition of our DE&I efforts, please see our People Fact Book 2022. 02.4.4 Talent acquisition and employee engagement We want to attract, retain, and engage talented candidates and employees around the world to deliver our purpose, drive long-term business success and become a truly customer- centric organization. Attracting talent 29,210 candidates recruited by Allianz in 2022 (2021: 33,378) Applying for a job at Allianz has never been easier. Our online application tool for internal and external job seekers, introduced in Q4 2021 across Allianz Group, requires only six fields to be filled in to apply. At the same time, we have continued the consolidation of independent local entities’ career websites into one joint platform ( careers.allianz. com) to simplify the candidate journey where it actually starts. It saw its peak with the go-live of a UK and Australian version of our global career website and the decommissioning of the local pendants. So f ar, the Gr oup-wide website has been rolled-out to 13 countries and represents 19 major Allianz entities. After having conducted global research on the imp act of Allianz’s partnership with the Olympic and Paralympic Movements (OPM) on our employer brand – which showed a positive influence on our employer attractiveness across target groups and countries – OPM based HR marketing assets have been developed for all entities to be used online, offline, or for on-campus activities. Additionally, we ran the very first Athlete Career Conference attended by 176 professional athletes from 57 countries to both attract them to and make them work for Allianz. So far, seven athletes have been hired, thereof four para athletes. In order to measure the success of our glob al and local emplo yer branding activities, we implemented Adobe Analytics across our career website and online application tool. Adobe Analytics will enable our local entities to fully understand from which job boards, online platforms, social media channels, and other websites applicants really come from and adjust their local attraction strategies accordingly. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 71

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