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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.4 Human resources Diversity in our leadership and management We are proud to have 32.4 percent of women in executive positions (Top Management) in 2022 (2021: 31.6 %). Further, we have 27.3 percent of women on the Allianz SE Board of Management (2021: 20.0 %) and 41.7 percent woman on the Allianz SE Supervisory Board (2021: 33.3 %). There are six nationalities represented in the Allianz SE Board of Management. Members of our Allianz SE Supervisory Board range in age from 52 years to 68 years, and members of the Allianz SE Board of Management range in age from 48 years to 64 years. Gender representation is a high priority for Allianz. Besides quarterly target tracking, we apply a Women in Leadership forecasting model to support hiring activities and help increase the ratio of female executives. Read more about our DE&I targets, ambitions, and initiatives on our website. Diversity & Inclusion ( Women in leadership 52.0 % Women in the workforce (Core Business) (2021: 51.6 %) 47.4 % Female full-time employees (2021: 46.6 %) 38.8 % Female managers (2021: 38.6 %) 32.4 % Women in executive positions (Top Management) 1 (2021: 31.6 %) 27.3 % Women in Allianz SE Board of Management (2021: 20 %) Women in Allianz global executive positions (%) 23.8% 24.5% 30% 2022 2021 33.7% 32.8% 40% 2022 2021 41.7% 33.3% 30% 2022 2021 26.2% 24.7% 30% 2022 2021 42.0% 43.4% 50% 2022 2021 2024 Target 2022 Actual 2021 Actual Legal obligation Women in Allianz executive positions (%) Women in Allianz SE Supervisory Board (%) Women in Allianz senior executive positions (%) Women in Allianz in talent pools (%) 1 Top Management includes all executive positions (Allianz Global Executive Positions, Allianz Senior Executive Positions, and Allianz Executive Positions). Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 70

Sustainability Report 2022 | Allianz - Page 71 Sustainability Report 2022 | Allianz Page 70 Page 72