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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our f oundation 05 Our universal principles 05.1.2 Objective and action tables Sustainability in our organization Objectives and actions: human rights matters Topic Objectives Progress and actions 2022 Reference Balanced gender representation • 30% women in senior e xecutive positions by 2024. • 50% women in Allianz talent pools by 2024. • 42. 0 % (2021: 43.4%) women in Allianz talent pools. • 26.2% (2021: 24.7%) w omen in senior ex ecutive positions. For further insights into our gender representation, please ref er to section 02.4 and table HR-7. Also refer to our Non- Financial Statement, section Employee mat ters, p. 69. Modern Slavery Act • Continue to rep ort on human rights issues as defined in the (UK) Modern Slavery A ct. • Implement actions as required by the German Supply Chain Act and further improv e our approach to human rights. • No issues were raised regarding human rights issues in accordance with the (UK) Modern Slavery A ct in 2022. • Allianz Group Modern Slavery Statement was updated in mid-2022. For further insights into our Modern Slavery A ct, please refer to section 05.5. Also refer to our Non-Financial Statement, section Human rights matters, p. 68. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 136

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