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01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change r elated disclosure 04 Strengthening our f oundation 05 Our universal principles 05.1 Target and objective tables 05.1.1 Target and achievement tables Sustainability in our organization and business activities Targets and achievements: Climate Change Strategy Topic Board targets 2022 Achievements 2022 Targets 2023 Targets and commitments 2024 and b eyond Reference Decarbonizing our Pr oprietary Investments Establish a quantitative roadmap to r each minus 25% GHG emissions (absolute reduction on public equity and listed corporate debt by 2024 vs 2019) All portfolio decarbonization levers ar e fully on track, with -25% GHG emissions by 2024 year-end target achieved already. On top of the target, AIM SE has actively shaped various sustainability-related topics, internally and externally, during 2022, leading and shaping ambition of the Allianz Group. -35% 1 emission reduction (baseline 2019). Follow through on net-zero ambition, in p articular in line with our Net Zero Alliances commitments. As an intermediary target, we aim to r educe our emissions in listed equities and tradeable corporate bonds by 25% by year-end 2024, compared to the 2019 baseline. The fully owned real estate portfolio will be in line with scientifically based 1.5-degree pathways by year-end 2024. We also set emission reduction and engagement targets for our infrastructure portfolio in line with 1.5-degree pathways. For further insights into our dec arbonizing of our Proprietary Investments, please refer to section 02.2.2. Also refer to our Non-Financial Statement , section Environmental matters, p. 60–64. Targets and achievements: employee matters Topic Board targets 2022 Achievements 2022 Targets 2023 Targets and commitments 2024 and b eyond Reference Inclusive Merito cracy Index (IMIX) 75% plus 79% (2021: 78%) 75% plus 75% plus For further insights into our inclusiv e meritocracy, please refer to section 02.4 and HR-12. Also refer to our Non-Financial Statement , section Employee matters, p. 73. 1 The original 2019 baseline figure got limited assurance. Due to a methodology change, the baseline figure was restated. The r estated figure was not audited. The 2022 carbon footprint figure has reasonable assurance level. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 131

Sustainability Report 2022 | Allianz - Page 132 Sustainability Report 2022 | Allianz Page 131 Page 133