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01 Introduction and strategy 80 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our f oundation 05 Our universal principles Table ENV -9 Paper consumption As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Total paper consumption t 7,317 8,466 10,139 Paper sourced from certified sustainable sources % 74 76 73 Paper consumption per policy g/policy 47 54 70 Reduction in paper use per policy since 2019 Target -20% by year-end 2025 % -43 -33 -14 Total GHG emissions from Paper t CO 2 e 6,259 9,232 10,860 Table ESG-18 Sustainable Procurement – Vendor code of conduct As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Spend on procurement with global suppliers with VCoC signature € bn 1.5 1.6 0.0 Share of Vendor Code of Conduct signatures by spend (from global suppliers) % 100 100 0 02.6 Own operations 02.6.1 Own operations strategy and approach We take the sustainability of our own operations seriously and aim to reduce our environmental footprint over time. We have established a dedicated unit – Group Sustainable Operations – within Group Operations & IT to align the strategic approach across all Allianz entities, with the aim to reduce their environmental footprint and accelerate impact with a clear target setting and best-practice sharing. Main operations in scope are Travel and Fleet, Procurement, Facility management and IT. Group Sustainable Operations also drives climate-focused partnerships such as our projects with Sea Shepherd and Plastic Fischer. See section 02.7 on our corporate citizenship activities for further information. Our commitments: As Allianz Group, we are taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, contributing to SDG 13, Climate Action. Our ambitious new commitment for our own operations is to reduce GHG emissions arising from A llianz sites and activities in o ver 70 markets to net-zero by 2030, earlier than 2050 as originally planned. We have accelerated our climate targets for business operations and, by 2025, plan to reduce GHG emissions per employee by 50 percent versus 2019. Further, to achieve the net- zero target by 2030, we need to reduce emissions by 70 percent versus 2019. Key drivers will be sourcing 100 percent r enew able electricity by 2023, implementing energy efficiency and reduction measures, shifting to a fully electric corporate car fleet by 2030 at the latest and achieving a 40 percent reduction of GHG emissions from travel activities by 2025 against a 2019 baseline. To address the remaining 30 percent of the emissions, we will use high-quality carbon removal solutions. Beyond our own operations, we will ask 100 percent of global framework vendors in our supply chain that provide services globally to establish a public commitment to net-zero GHG emissions in line with 1.5°C path by 2025. Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022

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