01 Introduction and strategy 02 Measuring and managing sustainability 03 Climate change related disclosure 04 Strengthening our foundation 05 Our universal principles 02.4 Human resources Human resources performance data This section contains data related to the ESG performance of Allianz Group. Data in this section is part of the Attractive Employer Chapter. Table HR-1 Employee overview As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Total number of employees (core business) 1 # 154,023 148,708 148,929 thereof: men % 48.0 48.4 48.7 thereof: women % 52.0 51.6 51.3 Total number of employees (core and non-core) # 159,253 155,411 150,269 Table HR-2 Employees by region As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Germany # 39,198 39,720 39,768 France # 13,106 13,325 13,538 United Kingdom # 10,620 10,752 10,936 India # 9,971 8,461 7,862 United States # 8,259 7,897 7,802 Australia # 6,651 5,912 5,668 Italy # 6,021 6,194 6,087 Spain # 4,777 4,485 4,308 Brazil # 4,014 3,886 4,291 Austria # 3,076 3,119 3,105 Other # 53,560 51,660 46,904 Total # 159,253 155,411 150,269 Table HR-3 Employment relationships As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Full-time employees 2 # 130,876 125,160 124,937 % 87.7 87.1 86.9 thereof: male # 68,808 66,875 67,103 % 52.6 53.4 53.7 thereof: female # 62,068 58,285 57,834 % 47.4 46.6 46.3 Part-time employees 2 # 18,376 18,460 18,768 % 12.3 12.9 13.1 thereof: male # 3,854 3,783 3,961 % 21.0 20.5 21.1 thereof: female # 14,522 14,677 14,807 % 79.0 79.5 78.9 Trainee ratio 3 % 2.2 2.0 2.1 As of December 31 2022 2021 2020 Permanent employees # 143,843 138,778 138,974 % 93.4 93.3 93.3 thereof: male % 48.3 48.8 49.1 thereof: female % 51.7 51.2 50.9 Temporary employees # 10,180 9,930 9,955 % 6.6 6.7 6.7 thereof: male % 43.3 42.8 42.5 thereof: female % 56.7 57.2 57.5 1 Figures based on the number of employees in Allianz’s core business which includes all companies in and related to the insurance and asset management business, including our banking activities in Germany, France, Italy, and Central and Eastern Europe. The figures do not include fully consolidated companies that are considered as pure financial investments and companies classified as held-for-sale. 2 Based on active headcount, excluding, e.g., employees on sabbatical leave, in military or civilian service or on parental leave. 3 Trainees are employees at the beginning of their career participating in a trainee program, i.e., undergoing practical training designed to facilitate their development of knowledge and skills, e.g., apprentices, trainees, interns and working students, and with a formal arrangement (e.g., employment contract or third-party agreement with a school or university). Allianz Group Sustainability Report 2022 57

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