01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 03.8 Exercising our voting rights Principle 7 8 11 12 We do not provide clients with the option of the voting process alongside members Once reviewed, proposals are posted voting decisions. In exceptional cases to in昀氀uence voting decisions on a case- of the Stewardship team. on an internal global research and where we do not reach consensus, voting by-case basis. We are committed to full We review a weekly report from AllianzGI’s collaboration system for review by our decisions are escalated to the Proxy transparency of our proxy voting activities. 42 Investment teams. For policy overrides, Voting Committee. In a minority of cases, Our disclosures include detailed Global Central Enterprise Data Repository internal consultations involving investment we apply policy overrides – for example, Corporate Governance Guidelines, a that is speci昀椀cally centred around professionals also take place through when we gain additional information Stewardship Statement detailing our voting rights and the respective entity. this platform. We aim to have one following engagement that is pertinent engagement and con昀氀ict of interest This picks up any change or addition to integrated view when it comes to proxy to the voting decision. policy, and real-time disclosure of all votes voting rights (and the e昀昀ective dates of cast, accessible through our website. these changes) attached to all accounts AllianzGI proxy voting process and informs operations to update these AllianzGI proxy voting process This insight includes commentary on our statuses with ISS. The reporting contains votes against resolutions and abstentions. asset class information to clearly show 03.8.1 Ensuring a robust which accounts require attention. We also conduct a quarterly audit across Portfolio General Application of Automated Vote voting process all of our funds with data reviewed by holdings meetings: date proxy voting vote execution All proxy voting research and initial voting the Compliance team. We review and and agenda policy implementation recommendations are generated based challenge unvoted meetings. on our proprietary proxy voting policy. We take a risk-based approach to Proxy voting research is provided by research and analysis around proxy Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), voting. This means the Stewardship Selection a third-party proxy voting service provider. team focuses its e昀昀orts on reviewing criteria apply We use an electronic proxy voting shareholder meeting proposals for the platform provided by ISS to cast our proportion of holdings in our portfolios votes. Our Stewardship team is in ongoing deemed particularly important to us and contact with ISS whenever questions potentially higher risk. These holdings arise with regards to a speci昀椀c piece of are, for example, large aggregate Case-by-case review Review by Manual Vote positions across our strategies or core execution research and the application of our policy. stewardship vote Additionally, we hold quarterly review holdings in individual funds. Our proxy analyst implementation meetings to review broader process voting policy is consistently applied to issues, involving teams responsible for the remaining holdings. compliance and the operational integrity 42 The internal repository for all AllianzGI’s vehicle, investment, operational (static) data. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 65