01 01.5 Sustainability governance Principles 1 2 Introduction 01.1 In conversation with Tobias Pross and Matt Christensen 01.2 About AllianzGI Responsible and transparent Our sustainability governance structure The Global Proxy Voting Committee ensures that 01.3 What sustainable investing governance is crucial to enable the AllianzGI has clearly established lines of responsibility our global proxy voting practices reflect industry best means to us for sustainability: practice and that we fulfil our fiduciary and stewardship 01.4 Acting on climate risks creation of sustainable value for all duties on behalf of our clients. and opportunities stakeholders. This extends to our The Executive Committee is the central governance 01.5 Sustainability governance and decision-making body for AllianzGI and other The Reputational Risk Working Group comprises 01.6 Shaping sustainable investing governance of sustainability as we relevant committees on sustainability issues. global representatives from across functions who with our clients embed ESG and evolve our approach meet semi-annually to proactively discuss topics that to sustainable investing. The Investment Executive Committee has responsibility may pose a reputational risk and determine whether 02 for all sustainability-related topics within investments. further action is necessary, including escalation to senior Sustainable investing Sustainability is embedded throughout AllianzGI and The Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing reports management. Additionally, the group may convene or our sustainability ambition is set by senior management to the Global Head of Investment Platform, who is communicate on an ad hoc basis topics that require a 03 as part of the overall strategy of the business. As a a member of the Executive Committee, anchoring collaborative sounding board for establishing a need Active stewardship member of the Allianz Group, we are subject to strong for action. sustainable and impact investing at the top of 04 governance requirements relating to ESG matters. the organisation. The International Management Group acts as a AllianzGI as a sustainable business The Allianz Group ESG Board is the highest executive The Sustainable Investing Working Group ensures sounding board and communication platform for management governing body for sustainability- that high-quality sustainable investing standards are strategy and decisions firmwide. 05 related issues at management board level. In 2021, Appendix being applied across the firm and allows especially for As AllianzGI consists of various operational entities, the Supervisory Board established a new Sustainability cross-asset class topics to be considered. It is a forum to additional lines of responsibility exist at the AllianzGI Committee to oversee ESG issues and support the share best practices and discuss, agree and execute on GmbH level. The GmbH management board is Supervisory Board in the oversight of the execution sustainable investing activities at AllianzGI. responsible for overall strategy and sustainable of the Group’s sustainability strategy. investing strategy. It reports to the Supervisory Board. For more information, see the Allianz Group Sustainability governance structure Sustainability Report 2021 Executive Committee Investment Executive Committee Sustainable Global Proxy Reputational Risk Investing Voting Working Group Working Group Committee International Management Group

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